Chopper Job
Bjorn and I did this job in March. Half of it we snowmachined in and the other half we choppered in. The access was down a creek and just in the few days we were working, the creek went from frozen to open.
Morning on Little Goose Lake
Morning on Little Goose Lake
The first day I forgot my compass in the room and had to use the compass on the Garmin Rhino GPS.
Bjorn calibrating the GPS's compass (by walking in a circle three times holding the unit level).
Bjorn calibrating the GPS's compass (by walking in a circle three times holding the unit level).
He thought maybe by going in a giant circle on the snowmobile it would be more accurate (it didn't work).
There were some good-sized hills to climb. My line came to a cliff and rather than walk way around, I snowshoe-skiied down it. This was rather thrilling seeing as there were three 10 foot drops. Once committed all I could do was let out a few good screams (which no one could hear anyway).
Waiting for Bjorn to pick me up at the end of the day (Green Lake)
Waiting for Bjorn to pick me up at the end of the day (Green Lake)
Frozen Waterfalls
Part of swamp system to access ground
Using the helicopter to access property: Bart (pilot) navigating and Jeff (trainee pilot) driving
After I was dropped off and the chopper had took off, I realized I had left my GPS/radio in the chopper. What a sick feeling. Luckily, Bart and Jeff saw it and came back.
After I was dropped off and the chopper had took off, I realized I had left my GPS/radio in the chopper. What a sick feeling. Luckily, Bart and Jeff saw it and came back.
Even though the day looks very gloomy, it was beautiful and sunny for the most part. Despite some bad burn regeneration, we managed to finish the job that day, but what a long day!
Waiting for the chopper, water on ice
A machine worth millions of dollars arrives in the middle of the bush to pick you up. It is a strange feeling....
Waiting for the chopper, water on ice
A machine worth millions of dollars arrives in the middle of the bush to pick you up. It is a strange feeling....
We called our client, Al Mowat, to let him know we had finished the job (and saved him money only using the chopper one day). To show his appreciation he told us to have a good steak dinner on him. Thanks Al.