BIO: Jessica Bjorkman
Jessica is a professional prospector who spends her snowless months of the year pounding rock across Canada's wilderness for the past 20 years. Her winter months consist of staking mineral claims and marking boundaries for forestry.
Jessica has taught several Introductory Prospecting Courses, regularly does speaking engagements for everyone from Grade 4 students, university students to the general public. Jessica enjoys mentoring would-be prospectors. She loves to guide people and share her passion for the outdoors with others. Jessica is passionate about people and adventure. She loves all four seasons and feels winter is an amazing opportunity most people miss out on. "There's something so special about winter. The landscape gets transformed into a whole new world. Places that you'd never visit in summer become inviting when covered in a blanket of snow. The crisp air and sparkling snow can be exhilarating. Winter has a powerful intrigue that doesn't disappoint when you get out and explore it." |
Over 20 years working in remote locations across Canada in rugged terrain with no trails or roads, from the Canadian Rocky Mountains to the boreal forest. Trained and supervised several personnel with no prior outdoor experience.
Advanced Wilderness First Aid - Wilderness Medical Associates Guiding Licence - 2010 to present Ontario Prospector's Licence - 1998 to present Co-recipient of Special Achievement Award - Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada 2016 Co-recipient of Tradeswoman of the Year Award - Influential Women, 2015 in Northwestern Ontario Director for Northwestern Ontario Prospector's Association - 2013 to present |