Labrador Job Part 2

This is a string bog.
I call them 'ripple bogs' because they look like the ripples in the sand you see at a beach. However, someone else thought they should be called 'string bogs', so that's what they are. We are used to bogs being spongy and wet back home, but were quite surprised we could walk right across these bogs on the dry land ridges.
I call them 'ripple bogs' because they look like the ripples in the sand you see at a beach. However, someone else thought they should be called 'string bogs', so that's what they are. We are used to bogs being spongy and wet back home, but were quite surprised we could walk right across these bogs on the dry land ridges.

Prospecting for uranium is quite inexpensive, that is if you own a scintilometer. It reads the gamma rays in the rock, giving you an idea of the uranium content. This saves money in assay lab costs.
Ruth taking a reading on a boulder
Ruth taking a reading on a boulder

(A low reading)

We spent a day on Gabbro Lake. In the morning, everything was grey and hazy. At one point, the lake was dead calm and you couldn't see where the water met the sky.
Tara Sagriff and Jess
Tara (a geologist) joined us for half a week while we were working out of the lodge. She kept us entertained with her funny stories.
Tara Sagriff and Jess
Tara (a geologist) joined us for half a week while we were working out of the lodge. She kept us entertained with her funny stories.

Some interesting geology

Our guide for the day, Jeff

While we were exploring, everyone else staying at the lodge was bear-hunting.
Millicent was a great cook with a strong Newfoundlander accent.
(This story is continued in Part 3.)
(This story is continued in Part 3.)