My day of Hockey
8 Dec 2005
On Tusday Nov. 23, first I gatherd all of my hockey equipment. Then I whent down to the lake put on my skates and helped get the snow off the rink. When we where finished doing that, we took some shots at a out house and then me, Ruth, Bjorn, Veronique, Katrina, Dad, Mom came down and past three pucks around. Ruth and Bjorn took some slap shots at the out-house. Then my feet started to hert, they where cold so I told my mom I would go up to the house because my feet where cold. So my mom came and helped me get my skates off. That’s when I knowtist that my feet wher frostbiten! So I whent up stars and put them in cold water to cool them down and that thoed them out.
The End
I Liked The First Time I Skated This Year
8 Dec 2005
What happened was when I came off the school bus and my mom was driving me to my house my mom told me that Ruth was skating on the rink. So I asked my mom if I could go skating with her when I got home. Mom said that I had to clean my room first.
When I got home my mom changed her mind and said that I didn’t have to clean my room because if I did I wouldn’t have enough time to go skating with Ruth. But first I had to go and find my skates. So I looked and I looked and then when Ruth came in I found my skates. So I brought them up in my hockey bag, and mom said that Ruth would take me skating. Ruth was planning to stay inside but she said that she would take me just for a bit. So she put my skates on, and luckily they fit. Then she carried me down to the lake and let me skate and made a mark that I couldn’t skate over because the ice wasn’t safe enough past the mark than back up and got her own skates on. Then she came down and skated with me and taught me how to pass and skate backwards. Then we played a mini game of keep-away. She kept giving me advice on how to catch a pass and skate better. After that we went inside for a very good supper.
8 Dec 2005
On Tusday Nov. 23, first I gatherd all of my hockey equipment. Then I whent down to the lake put on my skates and helped get the snow off the rink. When we where finished doing that, we took some shots at a out house and then me, Ruth, Bjorn, Veronique, Katrina, Dad, Mom came down and past three pucks around. Ruth and Bjorn took some slap shots at the out-house. Then my feet started to hert, they where cold so I told my mom I would go up to the house because my feet where cold. So my mom came and helped me get my skates off. That’s when I knowtist that my feet wher frostbiten! So I whent up stars and put them in cold water to cool them down and that thoed them out.
The End
I Liked The First Time I Skated This Year
8 Dec 2005
What happened was when I came off the school bus and my mom was driving me to my house my mom told me that Ruth was skating on the rink. So I asked my mom if I could go skating with her when I got home. Mom said that I had to clean my room first.
When I got home my mom changed her mind and said that I didn’t have to clean my room because if I did I wouldn’t have enough time to go skating with Ruth. But first I had to go and find my skates. So I looked and I looked and then when Ruth came in I found my skates. So I brought them up in my hockey bag, and mom said that Ruth would take me skating. Ruth was planning to stay inside but she said that she would take me just for a bit. So she put my skates on, and luckily they fit. Then she carried me down to the lake and let me skate and made a mark that I couldn’t skate over because the ice wasn’t safe enough past the mark than back up and got her own skates on. Then she came down and skated with me and taught me how to pass and skate backwards. Then we played a mini game of keep-away. She kept giving me advice on how to catch a pass and skate better. After that we went inside for a very good supper.