Optioning Property/Miscellaneous Jobs
Optioning Properties
As well as prospecting/claim staking for other companies, we also have our own properties. After all, everyone’s ultimate goal is to find a mine and strike it rich, right! We put together packages to promote these properties and sell them at mining/investor shows. Attending these shows is very important as employment in mineral exploration and selling properties (called optioning), is completely dependent on who you know.
Photo: CJ Baker and Karl, touring the Sunshine Rd Gold, Chubb Copper, and Atikokan West Properties (first looking at map of local geology)
As well as prospecting/claim staking for other companies, we also have our own properties. After all, everyone’s ultimate goal is to find a mine and strike it rich, right! We put together packages to promote these properties and sell them at mining/investor shows. Attending these shows is very important as employment in mineral exploration and selling properties (called optioning), is completely dependent on who you know.
Photo: CJ Baker and Karl, touring the Sunshine Rd Gold, Chubb Copper, and Atikokan West Properties (first looking at map of local geology)
Miscellaneous Jobs
Cutting trails, locating showings or claims using the GPS, entering data on the computer, creating maps on the computer, writing reports, building camps, cutting or splitting drill core, assisting geologists.
Many prospectors who have field experience and have read a lot of geology material, become well-versed in geology without any education. (To be recognized as a geologist, one must have a university degree.)
Photo: Katarina examining the local geology.
Cutting trails, locating showings or claims using the GPS, entering data on the computer, creating maps on the computer, writing reports, building camps, cutting or splitting drill core, assisting geologists.
Many prospectors who have field experience and have read a lot of geology material, become well-versed in geology without any education. (To be recognized as a geologist, one must have a university degree.)
Photo: Katarina examining the local geology.
Photo: Diamond drill set-up in a swamp. Often prospectors assist in moving core, doing drill set-ups, and cutting/splitting core.